OSR Trust

Don't Throw Worship Leftover in Garbage. Give it to us!

Best Pooja Waste Disposal Service in Bangalore

OSR Trust is the leading Worship Pooja Waste Collection and Disposal Service Provider Operation in Bangalore. Send old god idols, photos and other pooja leftover via courier to us and we will segregate and dispose the pooja leftover in the correct religious way.

Dispose Worship Leftover


Need to know more? Call +91 9958844345

OSR Trust has been working in the field of Worship Waste Sanitisation Since 2010

OSR Trust is the leading Worship Pooja Waste Collection and Disposal Service Provider Operation in Bangalore. Most people in India ussually throw god idols, photos and other pooja leftover under a tree or river or garbage dump. But this is not the correct way to dispose worship leftover and thus to protect you from this sin, Osr Trust has taken the step to collect, segregate and dispose the pooja leftover in the holy land of hardiwar in the correct religious way.