OSR Trust

Don't Throw Worship Leftover in Garbage. Give it to us!

Best Pooja Waste Disposal Service in Bangalore

OSR Trust is the leading Worship Pooja Waste Collection and Disposal Service Provider Operation in Bangalore. Send old god idols, photos and other pooja leftover via courier to us and we will segregate and dispose the pooja leftover in the correct religious way.

OSR Trust Vision & Mission

We are committed to keep the nation neat and clean specially the premises of the temples where tons of items are disposed under the religious trees or dumped along side. This is hazardous to the animals that feed on them. Apart from this, dumping of pooja leftover (waste) also causes environment pollution and spread of several diseases. A healthy nation means a happy nation. Our charitable trust is in the mission to make India a better and a clean religious place by taking care of all the safe and useful disposal of worship leftover (waste). Hopefull to make this mission a complete success with the cooperation of the devotees.

How it Works

Check out the easy steps that may help you avail our pooja leftover (waste) collection and disposal service in Bangalore

Select Membership Plan

Courier Pooja Leftover To Us

Proper Disposal By Us

Why Us

Easy Joining & Subscription

Ecofriendly Disposal

Trusted By 1000+ Subscribers

Tax Deduction With 80C

Pooja Leftover Service in Bangalore For

Both Home and Offices

For Household

For Corporates