OSR Trust


osr charitable trust


OSR Charitable Trust

We Aim Towards Making India a Worship-Waste Free Nation!

India is a land of religious minded people. Thousands of devotees from all across the nation throng the temples everyday and likely to dispose off pooja leftover (waste) into the nearby rivers. Some of these pollutants are highly dangerous and cost dearly to the living beings. With an aim to cure this menace and to make India a pooja-waste free nation, OSR charitable trust has come into being. With the grace of God, we have successfully converted and recycled pooja leftover (waste) materials into the useful things that can be put in to use again. We are committed to keep the nation neat and clean specially the premises of the temples where tons of items are disposed under the religious trees or dumped along side. This is hazardous to the animals that feed on them. Apart from this, dumping of pooja leftover (waste) also causes environment pollution and spread of several diseases. A healthy nation means a happy nation. Our charitable trust is in the mission to make India a better and a clean religious place by taking care of all the safe and useful disposal of worship leftover (waste). Hopefull to make this mission a complete success with the cooperation of the devotees.

Our Mission

We Put Worship-waste to a Good Use!

Many devotees immerse the worship leftover (waste) into the nearby rivers. Just think of broken idols, agarbattis, grains, scared threads and tons of other religious things that are difficult to recycle and pollute the water. This harms both the flora and fauna of the river. Well-known rivers like Ganga, Yamuna and Sarsawati are meeting the same fate. Not only this, the religious trees are not spared either. Some people just dump the waste in the nearby areas and walk off. We take care of this to keep the environment neat and clean. We are committed to put all the pooja leftover (waste) to a good use. We make sure that all the harmful waste is disposed safely and effectively. Anything pertaining to the pooja whether it is dhoop-batti, earthen pots, scared threads or anything, we always ensure that it does not ruin the environment. In short, we are on the mission of making a cleaner nation for the devotees and a better place to live for all of us. This will be possible with the assistance of co-operation of public at large.

Our Vision

We Foresee Cleaner India Devoid of Worship-waste!

We are continuously striving towards it and predict that sooner India would be a nation that is devoid of the tons of pooja leftover (waste). It would be a neater and cleaner place to live in. We acknowledge the Faith (Astha) of millions of devotees nation-wide but at the same time we urge them to spread the religious faith and not waste. Yes! We are committed to help the nation get rid of the pooja leftover (waste). But, we need the support and co-operation of the general public for the same. Let us make our nation a cleaner place to live in. Temple premises, Rivers, Trees etc. should be kept clean. Pooja poly packs which are the most dangerous of all should go straight to the dustbin.